Friday, March 14, 2014

Promoting Obesity....NOT!!!!

By Valerie X Armstrong

I recently wrote a book that had a fat girl as the main character.  She is a healthy, pleasant, well adjusted, active girl who eats well and gets plenty of exercise.  She has no problems with being fat, except the way she is treated by others. 

 The world has been conditioned, somehow, to think being fat is a bad thing and that anyone can control it if they want to badly enough.

I am here to tell you that is patently untrue and I'm just speaking from my own experience, although I know many others who will heartily concur.

When I wrote the book, I was inundated with hate mail saying I was "promoting obesity".  How ridiculous!  It seems that more and more I'm seeing situations where anytime a fat person does anything except try to lose weight, they are promoting obesity. 

If a fat person loves their body, that is considered a bad thing.  Fat people are supposed to hate their bodies and do everything they possibly can to change them. 

 I saw a video on TV the other day with a very energetic and happy fat girl dancing.  The news channel it was on (HLN) posted it on the internet.  People were allowed to make comments.  Some of them were horrible.   The girl was accused of "promoting obesity" for just dancing and loving her body. 

 Anytime a fat person is seen doing anything positive, there is always a slew of negative comments from people trying to  put them down in some way. 

 No one ever says anything about a thin person dancing or a tall person or a short person...Why all the negativity about the fat person?  Just  being fat in public tends to bring out the nasty comments. Sometimes they are under the guise of being helpful, from people who supposedly are concerned about the fat person's health.

Fat people have every right to dance, exercise, swim  eat, walk, run, or just BE, without comments or stares, or being photographed or videotaped by strangers.  They are not promoting obesity. They are just enjoying their God given bodies. 

 Expecting furniture or medical equipment or seats on airplanes or theaters to accommodate large bodies is not promoting obesity, nor is expecting jobs, insurance or simple respect from others.  It is appalling that one whole segment of society has been denied these things for so long.  That is oppression!  That has got to change, and with a quickness!!! 

 Most fat people are not what the popular stereotype would have us believe.  They are not unhealthy over eaters, food addicts, couch dwelling lazy sloths with no will power and questionable intelligence.  They are just regular people who happen to be fat.  They have every right in the world to enjoy being themselves without anyone's approval or disapproval.  That is NOT promoting obesity...That is living! 

 So back off , critics, and tend to your own business.  If you really had a life, you wouldn't be so jealous of fat people enjoying theirs.
©VXA 2014

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