By Valerie X Armstrong
In the years to come, when it is finally realized by medical science, that
genetically born to be fat people can no more permanently control their weight
than a person can control their height, color or sexual orientation, I think
that we should be able to demand reparations for all the indignities that we
have suffered. Not only in the way of humiliation and lack of respect, but for
not being afforded basic accommodations on our own planet. We have suffered
financially by not being hired for jobs that we are qualified for, based on our
size alone. We have been denied admission to certain colleges, because we didn’t
fit the “image” they wanted to uphold. We have been denied medical insurance,
which has caused the sickness and death of untold thousands, and we have been
denied life insurance to provide for our families. We have not been accorded
access to public places because the booths/ seats/ desks/rides, don’t fit our
bodies. We have been made social outcasts by the totally untrue stereotype that
has been perpetuated about us as being lazy gluttons. The medical equipment,
should we be lucky enough to get medical treatment, wasn’t made for us either.
Doctors, with few exceptions, are rude and bigoted toward us and blame us when
their “treatments” don’t work. The day is coming when it will be brought to
light that it’s not us, it’s them. They are going to owe us big time for
ignoring us when we tried to tell them, and chiding us like we were bad kids who
are making excuses for ourselves. As I write this it becomes increasingly clear
to me that even when the truth is uncovered about us being irreversibly
programmed by nature to stay fat, the information will never be made public.
Maybe they (the researchers) already know! It would put a lot of people out of
business if the truth were revealed. Right now we are “cash cows” for the
medical field and the diet industry. I am continually amazed by fat people who
continue to diet and regain the lost weight over and over year after year and
still blame themselves. I did it myself! Then one day a light bulb went on in
my head. I knew I was doing everything right and it wasn’t working. I would have
given anything to be “average” weight…I have all the will power and tenacity in
the world. I am a strong and capable person. I’ve lost hundreds of pounds and
maintained the losses for up to eight years at a time. But, it always, always,
comes back, regardless. It dawned on me that just because some authority figure
in a white coat told me it was MY fault, it really, truly, wasn’t! I wish I had
figured this out before and saved myself years of deprivation and torture. I am
so sorry for all that I have put my body through, and for making my kids and
grand kids mistreat their bodies by dieting as well. I’m done, finished,
completely over with being told it’s my fault, being told I’m weak willed, or a
liar, being deprived of privileges that thin/average people take for granted.
It’s NOT my fault and I demand restitution for all the bad stuff I’ve been put
through because of the ineptitude of the medicos. I want my restaurant booth, my
theater seat, my school desk, my airplane seat. I want my jobs, my insurance, my
dignity and the respect of my fellow Earthlings. I don’t want to be the goofy
sidekick in all the movies…I want to be the heroine. I want cute clothes at a
reasonable price. I want to go to the beach without fear, eat in a restaurant
without rude remarks and walk down the street without ridicule. I want what’s
rightfully mine that’s been stolen from me…Every genetically fat person should
receive a long overdue apology and a big FAT check!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
You Either Get It, or You Don't
By Valerie
X Armstrong
I thought my book, "The Survival of the Fattest/ A Fairy Tale for Fat Kids", was pretty simple. But it has been misinterpreted so much. It's really amazing to me that this book can be seen so differently by different readers. It's like Aesop's "Bat" fable. To some it's a bird and to others a mammal. It has the tendency to polarize people, as can be seen by the reviews. They are either five stars or one star, nothing in between, at least, so far. They either love it or hate it. It's not unlike the story of the elephant and the blind men where each one felt a different part of the elephant and each one determined it to be something else altogether. The same with my book. Certain readers took it piecemeal and read into it their own past experiences and biases and formed opinions that had nothing to do with the story as I had intended it.
I thought my book, "The Survival of the Fattest/ A Fairy Tale for Fat Kids", was pretty simple. But it has been misinterpreted so much. It's really amazing to me that this book can be seen so differently by different readers. It's like Aesop's "Bat" fable. To some it's a bird and to others a mammal. It has the tendency to polarize people, as can be seen by the reviews. They are either five stars or one star, nothing in between, at least, so far. They either love it or hate it. It's not unlike the story of the elephant and the blind men where each one felt a different part of the elephant and each one determined it to be something else altogether. The same with my book. Certain readers took it piecemeal and read into it their own past experiences and biases and formed opinions that had nothing to do with the story as I had intended it.
I was told
by someone holding a high position in a well known fat advocacy organization
that my book wasn't "fat positive" enough. I don't know how
much more "fat positive" it could be than having the only humans left
alive on the planet be the fat ones. The argument was that the heroine
had lost weight before she found love. Hello??? There had been world wide
famine. Her fat saved her life. That's why she lost some weight,
from surviving off her body fat. She was by no means thin at the end of
the story as the picture on the last page clearly illustrates.
And another
thing, Maya, the heroine of the story was happy, working, dating, and
enjoying life while she was still fat. Once she got out of school, things
changed for her. She just happened to find the man of her dreams, also a
fat person, after the nuclear holocaust.
Then, there
are the complaints from the opposite camp saying that it's bad for me to
advocate being fat. I NEVER advocated the idea that one should
become fat or stay fat on purpose to survive a famine, but, in my story,
if you happened to be fat, then good for you. I'm not encouraging
kids to overeat. Some people are just born to be fat and some people are
not. In some scenarios thin works better than fat, but, in my story,
it did not. The fat haters, some of whom are actually fat
themselves, believe that people of size aren't supposed to
thrive, survive or be happy. They are supposed to be punished for letting
themselves "get that way". They think fat folks aren't supposed
to be portrayed as heroes or heroines, but as buffoons. They
think they should hang their heads in shame, and it really
irks them whenever it doesn't turn out that way...
Then there
are those that think the story is too gruesome for kids. No one batted an eyelash when God wiped out all of humanity, good and bad
alike, plus every other living thing, except for one family, and a handful of
animals, in the beloved tale of Noah's Ark...It's even represented on nursery
furnishings and baby clothes.
No one
cried "foul" when an innocent grandma was eaten by a big bad wolf in
Red Riding Hood's story. Nobody became irate and screamed "elder
abuse" when an old lady, minding her own business, in her own home
was baked alive in her own oven, by two home invading hoodlums in the
story of Hansel and Gretel...That was deemed okay for kids to read. Then
there's Snow White, whose very own step-mother wanted her killed and her innards
brought back to her as proof that she was actually dead...and Jack and the Bean
Stalk...a selfish kid invades a big guys home, steals his prized possessions
and when the giant tries to catch him, the brat kills him....And
lest we forget, the infamous tale of Blue Beard where a whole room filled
with bloody corpses of his ex-wives was discovered by his next
victim....and these are just a few. Come on now, if these stories pass
muster for kid's reading, how can my story not? How is reading
about a couple of young fat people surviving a fictional
nuclear incident in my book, going to damage kids psyches if the old
classic time honored, fairy tales
don't? Give kids some credit. It's just a story,
folks...fiction...nothing more...nothing less. Kids know it's not real.
grateful for those that actually "get" the book and understand what
the story is about and don't try to make it into anything other than what
it is. I want to thank them all right now.
My book, if
anything, advocates world peace, by illustrating that if people, even kids in
school yards, can't get along with each other, then bad things, like a
world war can happen, and the ones that start it don't always come out on
top. Kids need to learn, early on, to be nice to each other, even if someone looks different than they do, or is different in some other way. The
moral here, if there is one, would be a basic karmic
one: Always be nice to our fellow man, and we will never have to
worry about my fairy tale coming true.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Five Stages of Accepting Myself as a Fat Person
By Valerie X Armstrong
Everything I’ve gone through with my lifelong struggle with my weight reminds me of “The Five Stages of Grief “ by author Elisabeth Kubler- Ross in her book, "On Death and Dying"...Here is my version as it pertains to finally coming to terms with being fat:
Everything I’ve gone through with my lifelong struggle with my weight reminds me of “The Five Stages of Grief “ by author Elisabeth Kubler- Ross in her book, "On Death and Dying"...Here is my version as it pertains to finally coming to terms with being fat:
1. DENIAL- I will NOT
be fat!…I refuse to accept this…I’m going to beat this… I’m going to fight it
with everything I’ve got. It won’t get the best of me. I’ll get every book on
the subject, I’ll seek out the experts, I’ll devote my every waking moment to
getting my body the way it “should” be. I’ll starve myself, I’ll exercise until
I drop. I’ve got the will power and the tenacity and I’ll be so thin and
gorgeous, I’ll put Barbie to shame.
2.ANGER- What is wrong
with me…I’ve done everything possible to stay thin and the weight keeps coming
back…I’m like an air plant!
I can eat practically
nothing and I still can’t lose an ounce or even maintain…I was doing so well and
now it’s all coming back…None of my cute new clothes fit me. Why, why, why?
The doctor doesn’t believe me and neither does anyone else…They say I’m cheating
on my diet and lying about it. Even these diet pills don’t work. I hate
anything, God…Please just let me be thin…I’ll never eat again…I’ll run 5 miles a
day…I’ll give every cent I own to charity…I’ll go to church twice every Sunday
and devote my life to helping others, just please, please, please, let me be
4.DEPRESSION- My life is
over…I weigh more than I ever did. Nothing fits me…People make fun of me…I hate
going out of the house…What’s the use of even living if it’s going to be in a
hideous fat body like mine? If I wasn’t scared of dying, I’d kill myself.
Nothing I do helps. I’ve been dieting all my life and I’m still fat. I am just
here’s the deal…I’m fat, and apparently I’m going to stay that way. I’ve done
all I possibly could to change myself, but I guess I am genetically programmed
to be this way. If I am going to have any kind of life, I’d better make peace
with that fact. I’m going to embrace my body and look for the good aspects of
the situation. I’m healthy and I’m smart, I am relatively good looking, and a
nice person. Why is being fat such a big deal after all? I’ll seek out
like-minded people and start enjoying myself. I’ll get new clothes that fit me
and I’ll go out and about and not be ashamed of myself because of my size. I’ve
got a lot going for me that lots of thin people don’t have. I refuse to spend
one more minute of my life hating myself…Look out world, here I
Monday, November 12, 2012
Being Fat and Hungry
By Valerie X Armstrong
To a casual observer, I most likely fit the stereotype of a person that gives full rein to their appetite and totally lacks restraint in that regard.
To a casual observer, I most likely fit the stereotype of a person that gives full rein to their appetite and totally lacks restraint in that regard.
Nothing could be farther
from the truth.
As much as I would like
to indulge myself, I cannot ,or you would, no doubt, find me on a flat bed
trailer on my way to the Jerry Springer show.
My body is the
thriftiest when it comes to counting every calorie. It keeps saving up for the
day when famine might strike, and it wants me to be ready.
Some of the people that
write about eating anything you want and your body weight leveling itself out,
don’t know my body.
If I didn’t monitor my
food intake and keep my body moving , there is no telling how fat I would
My body lacks the
satiety sensor…I do not know what it feels like to have enough to eat or be
full…I have no “off switch” where my hunger is concerned. It amazes me when
people can leave a half plate of food and say they’ve had enough…That is a
totally foreign concept for me.
I don’t eat junk food. I
eat moderate portions. I eat as close to naturally as possible. I eat low carb
and low glycemic foods, to keep my blood sugar low and level…I eat plenty of
veggies, fruits, nuts and lean meats. I exercise daily. I am not a compulsive eater or binge
My hunger is true
physical hunger, not emotional. I just lack the apparatus that most people
have that tells them they’ve had enough…The regulator thingy.
I’ve told this to many
doctors and they just stare blankly at me. I HAVE to count calories, and make a
concerted effort to space my meals, or I would want to eat all
I’m not a mental
case and I don’t have Prader-Willi syndrome, that causes insatiable appetites in
some of it’s victims, to where they will go to great lengths to satisfy their
cravings. My thyroid tests all come back within normal range…I have plenty of
I have a happy
fulfilled life and am not trying to make up for anything that’s lacking in my
life by eating excess food. I’m not in any sort of denial . I am a “normal”
person in every respect, except that I’m missing the hunger shut-off
I’ve spent most of my
life searching for answers to this dilemma…No one knows why I’m like this. I
never see this issue discussed anywhere. I can’t be the only one.
It’s bad enough being
stigmatized for being fat, but it’s even worse to be hungry the whole time you
are being picked on.
I can and do control my
urges to eat, and it’s a struggle for me to maintain even the high weight that I
do. I would love to give myself free rein to eat all the things that are so
delicious and tempting, but sadly , if I want to remain mobile, I’d better
I probably eat less
and get more exercise than most of the thin people who make hasty assumptions
about what I eat and my level of activity…Explaining to them is useless, they
don’t think I’m being truthful.
I’m glad I’m able to
maintain this weight, for the most part, but actually, the older I get, even a
little more slowly creeps on. I thought I’d have some magic thing happen to me
when I got this old and I’d turn into the mythical “little old lady”…Not so far
anyway, I’m still a “big old lady”. I’m happy that I’m healthy and
strong ,despite my
size…I’d hate to lose weight from illness like many people do.
I’m meant to be a big
gal.. I’m genetically programmed to be mountainous, however, and I have to watch
each bite just to be able to remain at a functional weight…I don’t want to spend
my life in bed being waited on by others if I can help it.
But, please, make no
assumptions that I am scarfing boxes of bon bons while sitting on my tuffet all
day…Nope…not me….I’ve gone to bed hungry every night of my life.
A Call To Arms
By Valerie X Armstrong
Since starting my Facebook page, "The Survival of the Fattest/ A Fairytale for Fat Kids", I have been reading more articles on obesity so as to stay informed and also be able to pass on some items of interest to the page members.
I always read the "comments" section of the articles, as well, to see what other's opinions are. One thing that has become overwhelmingly obvious to me is the abject hatred of fat people that most of these commenters have.
If there were a KKK for fat bigots they would fit right in. It matters not to them why a person is fat. They all believe the stereotype and they are disgusted by it. They have no compassion for fat people whatsoever.
I often wondered how Hitler could recruit such heartless henchmen, but now I see. If they had their way, we would all be eliminated and they would gladly volunteer to do the eliminating. I don't know why they think like that, but they do.
I knew from my own personal experience of living in a fat body that there was prejudice, but I didn't realize it was so widespread and heinous. The hatred spans all walks of life, from people who write intelligently and claim to be MD's or PHD's to people who can barely get their nasty message typed out because of their stupidity. They all have one common ground, their hatred of fat people.
This my friends is a call to arms...War has been declared against us. Take every opportunity available to you to respond to these comments. Fight this oppression every chance you get, in every way you can, within reason. No one is going to give us our human rights unless we stand up and demand them. It can be done but we must ALL work together, not only for our own sake but for future generations
Since starting my Facebook page, "The Survival of the Fattest/ A Fairytale for Fat Kids", I have been reading more articles on obesity so as to stay informed and also be able to pass on some items of interest to the page members.
I always read the "comments" section of the articles, as well, to see what other's opinions are. One thing that has become overwhelmingly obvious to me is the abject hatred of fat people that most of these commenters have.
If there were a KKK for fat bigots they would fit right in. It matters not to them why a person is fat. They all believe the stereotype and they are disgusted by it. They have no compassion for fat people whatsoever.
I often wondered how Hitler could recruit such heartless henchmen, but now I see. If they had their way, we would all be eliminated and they would gladly volunteer to do the eliminating. I don't know why they think like that, but they do.
I knew from my own personal experience of living in a fat body that there was prejudice, but I didn't realize it was so widespread and heinous. The hatred spans all walks of life, from people who write intelligently and claim to be MD's or PHD's to people who can barely get their nasty message typed out because of their stupidity. They all have one common ground, their hatred of fat people.
This my friends is a call to arms...War has been declared against us. Take every opportunity available to you to respond to these comments. Fight this oppression every chance you get, in every way you can, within reason. No one is going to give us our human rights unless we stand up and demand them. It can be done but we must ALL work together, not only for our own sake but for future generations
Trolls Be Damned
By Valerie X Armstrong
“Anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.”
― J.K. Rowling
“Anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.”
― J.K. Rowling
I have
been fat since I can remember…Childhood pictures of me show me as a fat baby, a
fat toddler, a fat child, and a fat teen. My brother was average size and my
sister was thin. I have no known medical cause for my fatness. I’ve always been
physically active and not a big eater..My family didn’t have much money and food
was sometimes scarce so we didn’t eat a lot. My mom was a little heavy and dad
was normal size. I have seen pictures of other ancestors that were quite heavy.
I have been on diets since I was ten or eleven years old. I have lost and
gained hundreds and hundreds of pounds. My first substantial weight loss
was fifty pounds. It took me six months to reach goal. I was about fourteen or
fifteen years old and was put on an eight hundred calorie a day diet. I stuck
to it with out ever slipping off. After I reached my goal weight, I went back
to eating normally and all the weight came back in a couple of months. I gave
it another go in a year or so and lost another sixty pounds on a canned diet
gimmick of the day called Metrecal…People were supposed to have four cans a day
which totalled one thousand calories, but my doctor only allowed me three
cans..totalling seven hundred and fifty calories. They were chocolate shake
type drinks with a medicinal after taste. I had nothing else but water. In six
months I had reached goal again…And again as soon as I started eating the weight
rushed back on. The subsequent years were a combination of using diet pills,
joining weight loss clubs, hypnosis, abusing laxatives, exercising excessively,
getting shots of pregnant mare’s urine, and buying every conceivable diet book
and attempting them all to no lasting avail.
The first
real success I ever had at losing weight and actually keeping it off was when I
was around thirty. I lost one hundred and sixty five pounds in a year and a half
by eating one thousand calories a day. As I neared my goal, I had to cut to way
below one thousand calories and exercise much more to arrive at the upper end of
where the weight chart said I should be. I looked skeletal, but the scale
said I was still too heavy for my five foot seven inch medium
I started
teaching aerobics to pay for my gym membership and exercised several hours a
day. I got a job demonstrating exercise machines and became their spokesperson.
I was back on laxatives and only eating about eight hundred calories a day or
less..trying so hard to maintain my goal weight. I did maintain that loss for
nearly eight years…Then the weight just started coming back on it’s own, without
my increasing my caloric intake or lessening my activity. I went to my doctor
and got checked for thyroid or other medical issues and I was deemed okay but I
was chastised for my weight gain. Everyone was noticing my increasing size and
was assuming that I was binging. I quit going to out as much because I was
doing everything according to my doctor’s food plan but my body wasn’t
cooperating. I was mortified, as I had been on TV and radio and and there was
a huge full page article about me in our local paper quoting me as saying, “I’ll
never be fat again”.
I have
never given up trying to be a “healthy” weight. I have been dieting over and
over for years since then with substantial weight losses, but it invariably
returns. I eat healthy, lean meats and seafood in small portions, fresh fruits
and veggies, rarely do I exceed fifteen hundred calories a day, yet my weight is
ever on the increase unless I cut back to practically nothing. I don’t eat
pre-packaged foods or “fast foods”…I get plenty of fiber and take vitamins…and
get lots of exercise…I should by all current theories about why one is fat, be a
stick figure.
My doctor recommends the Gastric Bypass, as he says it might alter my
physiology so perhaps I won’t gain weight so easily, but I have never had good
luck with general anesthetics so I am concerned and have put off having it.
Another thing is, I feel fine, for my age…I look younger than my years, I’m
active, my numbers (blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol) are where they
should be. I wouldn’t even know I had a “problem” if it weren’t for others
telling me that I was too fat. I’ve been told I was going to die young for so
many years if I didn’t lose weight. I’m now too old to die young … so much
for that crapola.
I was promped to write this because of all the pompous know- it -alls who
write the nasty comments on the articles that promote size acceptance or
any articles about fat and obesity . Those guys don’t know squat, for all their
pontificating…They are just parroting what some credentialed idiot has said.
Unless they have lived in a genetically fat body, they have no room to say a
blasted word or offer their ignorant opinions…They are completely brainwashed by
the media and are too stupid to realize it. Losing weight is one thing…but
keeping it off is another thing, altogether, when your body insists on staying
at it’s natural high set point. “They” say you can change your set point, but
that is also a crock.
I’ve dealt with people like this all my life and my kids and grand kids are
going through it now…I’m dedicating my life to try to enlighten people about
genetic fatness. I realize there are many causes of obesity and no one should
ever be treated badly because of their size, but some people actually CAN lose
weight and keep it off if they can find a method that works for them. My
concern is for those who have tried EVERYTHING and are still fat. If willpower
worked, or if eating correctly helped or activity or whatever, worked then I
would be thin. I promise you that. I have the worlds greatest willpower and
tenacity. I have lived this saga and I am here to tell you that all fat people
are NOT the same. Some of us are intended by nature to be fat…Period! So shut
up trolls or your karma might make your kids or grand kids genetic
fatties…Let’s see how you’d like that.
Passing as Thin
By Valerie X Armstrong
At different times in my life, during periods of strict dieting, I could “pass” as thin…
At different times in my life, during periods of strict dieting, I could “pass” as thin…
I use the
term “pass” because I was born a fat person and I identify myself as a fat
person, although, I’ve had brief periods where my outward appearance belied that
I remember
in my youth, reading and seeing movies about light skinned black people
“passing” as white, and how much easier their lives were as far as being
accepted by society at large.
My life was
indeed easier being
thin, for the most part, except for dealing with constant hunger and fear of
regaining the lost weight.
I didn’t
have to be ashamed of eating in public or going to the beach. I could dance
with my husband without fear of being made fun of by onlookers… I slipped with
ease into the bucket seat of the MG Midget convertible my husband bought me as a
“reward” for losing all that weight.
I could fit
into any restaurant booth and turnstile gate and doctor’s visits held no fear
for me to be humiliated and shamed…I didn’t need the big blood pressure cuff or
the fat lady’s hospital gown. The seats in the waiting rooms welcomed my
slender posterior and the doctors praised me for a job well
shopping was a breeze. Every dress shop, with the exception of the plus size
stores, had something wonderful for me to wear and I was treated like a queen by
the clerks…so eager to help me.
I had no
trouble at all finding a job…I was hired immediately for each one I applied
for…I had my choice.
some of the people who knew me as my fat self, didn’t react so nicely…Some, even
ones I thought were good friends, dropped me like a hot potato. I still don’t
understand why. I’m still the same person on the inside regardless of my
just gushed about how much better I looked and asked “Don’t you feel so much
better?” My answer was, ”Not really, I’m always hungry.”
I always
felt badly when someone said I looked so much better thin…What was I
before…chopped liver? And what will I be when the weight inevitably creeps back
on…chopped liver… again?
People just
don’t know the right things to say to newly thin folks.
when I did regain the weight, I wanted to avoid those people so they wouldn’t be
disappointed in me for failing to stay thin.
While I was
working at a new job, surrounded by people who were mostly thin by nature, I got
a chance to see how we (fat people) are really viewed by the “normals”…They had
no idea of my weight history and would try to engage me in making comments about
fat customers. They would say awful things about ladies who were no bigger than
I formerly was…They would ask me things like “I wonder how SHE got such a good
looking husband?” or “I wonder how he can stand being seen with HER”…I always
replied that I thought SHE was lovely and I bet her husband is proud to be seen
with her.
They would
look at me like I was nuts.This happened constantly…It seemed that the sport of
the day was always picking on fat people behind their backs. I always suspected
such, but now I knew
for certain. Just to be fair, though, not all of the thin employees took part in
the nasty pastime…Some just kept silent
Fat people
are definitely being ridiculed and judged every time they step out of the
house. No doubt about it.
infiltrated their troops and I’ve seen behind “enemy” lines. I’ll never be able
to tell myself that it’s just my imagination when I hear a snicker or hushed
whisper as I pass by.
When it
happens, I will either choose to ignore it or I’ll choose to confront the
individuals, depending upon the circumstances.
viewed the situation from both sides of the fence, I realize that there is a lot
of ignorance on the part of the fat haters…They truly believe the stereotype and
think it is well within their rights to deride us…If they could only know (and
actually believe) that fat people are not as they believe them to be, perhaps
they might not be so judgmental. One can only hope that through enlightenment
and consciousness raising that people of all sizes can be treated with the
respect they deserve.
Yes, my
life was so much easier being thin. I would never have chosen to be fat. If I
had any choice in the matter, I would choose thin. But, I don’t have a choice.
No matter what I do or how hard I try, I am destined to be fat…That’s what
people need to get through their heads. People don’t choose the color of their
skin or their sexual orientation , it’s genetics…Same as most fat people’s
weight…We might be able to lose weight for brief periods, but it comes right
back, for the majority of us…It’s nothing we are doing wrong. It’s like
holding our breath…We can do it briefly…but then we have to breathe
How to Start Loving Yourself Regardless of Your Size
By Valerie X Armstrong
1.Take any clothes that don't fit you out of your closet or drawers. Sell them, donate them or give them away, just get them out of your personal space. If you want to pack them away somewhere out of sight, it's okay too. For some of us it's hard to get totally rid of clothing we spent a lot of money on because we think we might need it someday. As long as it is packed up and stashed away out of sight, hang on to it if you want to. Just don't stress over it. Sometimes we can swap our clothes that don't fit for those that do. You can either exchange with friends or family or sell them in consignment shops or on Ebay and buy new (or new to you) clothing with the proceeds.
If you don't have enough left to wear that actually fits you, buy some more outfits and undies, too, in a size that fits. It doesn't matter what the sizes are on the tags, as long as you like them and they fit you comfortably. Don't worry about the numbers. Put away your scales, or toss them...Your choice.
2. Stop any negative self-talk. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful. If you catch yourself thinking something bad about your size or weight or looks in general, immediately replace that thought with a positive one. Do loving things for yourself. Indulge once in a while by getting that bouquet of fresh flowers in the grocery store or that new perfume or a treat of some kind now and then whether it be a book you've been wanting to read or something else you enjoy.
3. Don't devote a single second of your time to those people who make you feel fat, unworthy, ugly, unlovable, or less than. Sometimes that is hard to do if it is family or co-workers. If you explain to them how their actions make you feel and they persist in their behavior, distance yourself from them as much as possible. Sometimes it might mean looking for another job...or avoiding family gatherings where they will be, until you gain more confidence in dealing with them, which will happen in time.
Always realize that what they say and how they treat you says more about them than it does about you. It is their own insecurities and shortcomings that they are taking out on you, whether they realize it or not. Regarding friends, people that make you feel bad are not your real friends. If after you've asked them to stop their negativity towards you and they continue to do it, get new friends. There are many kind, compassionate people out there looking for someone like you to befriend
4. Find some kind of enjoyable movement for your body. Walking either alone or with your dog (if you don't have a dog, you might consider getting one) or putting on some music and dancing around the room or swimming or hula hooping or playing with your kids, makes you appreciate your body and makes you feel good in general. There are many ways to have fun moving your body...biking, bowling, gardening or shopping in the mall, that keep you active, if you don't like regular gym type exercise. Just move as much as possible. Eating things that are good for you and going easy on things that are bad for you is always wise. Our bodies need certain nutrients to function properly and some processed foods are actually toxic to us. Just use common sense and moderation. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full. Care for your body like you would anything else that you love so it will last a long time.
5. Stop all "fat talk", about your body or anyone else's. Don't complain about your weight or comment on anyone else's. Don't dish the dirt with others about diets or weight loss or anything else pertaining to someone's size or shape, or your own.
6. Stop comparing yourself to others. Get rid of magazines that have airbrushed photos of models who are painfully thin. Change the channel when shows come on about celebrity weight gain or loss and mute the weight loss ads. Find a compassionate weight friendly doctor that doesn't blame every ailment on your weight. Don't believe the media messages that tell you you are not thin enough or pretty enough.They are false. They are just trying to sell you something.
7.Accepting yourself and loving yourself will not happen overnight. Surround yourself with like-minded people, read books on the subject, find kindred spirits online, become a size acceptance activist. It is all a process of deprogramming yourself of all the untrue messages you've been bombarded with for years. Little by little the old way of thinking will fade away. You will realize the truth and come to love yourself for the unique and awesome individual that you truly are.
1.Take any clothes that don't fit you out of your closet or drawers. Sell them, donate them or give them away, just get them out of your personal space. If you want to pack them away somewhere out of sight, it's okay too. For some of us it's hard to get totally rid of clothing we spent a lot of money on because we think we might need it someday. As long as it is packed up and stashed away out of sight, hang on to it if you want to. Just don't stress over it. Sometimes we can swap our clothes that don't fit for those that do. You can either exchange with friends or family or sell them in consignment shops or on Ebay and buy new (or new to you) clothing with the proceeds.
If you don't have enough left to wear that actually fits you, buy some more outfits and undies, too, in a size that fits. It doesn't matter what the sizes are on the tags, as long as you like them and they fit you comfortably. Don't worry about the numbers. Put away your scales, or toss them...Your choice.
2. Stop any negative self-talk. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful. If you catch yourself thinking something bad about your size or weight or looks in general, immediately replace that thought with a positive one. Do loving things for yourself. Indulge once in a while by getting that bouquet of fresh flowers in the grocery store or that new perfume or a treat of some kind now and then whether it be a book you've been wanting to read or something else you enjoy.
3. Don't devote a single second of your time to those people who make you feel fat, unworthy, ugly, unlovable, or less than. Sometimes that is hard to do if it is family or co-workers. If you explain to them how their actions make you feel and they persist in their behavior, distance yourself from them as much as possible. Sometimes it might mean looking for another job...or avoiding family gatherings where they will be, until you gain more confidence in dealing with them, which will happen in time.
Always realize that what they say and how they treat you says more about them than it does about you. It is their own insecurities and shortcomings that they are taking out on you, whether they realize it or not. Regarding friends, people that make you feel bad are not your real friends. If after you've asked them to stop their negativity towards you and they continue to do it, get new friends. There are many kind, compassionate people out there looking for someone like you to befriend
4. Find some kind of enjoyable movement for your body. Walking either alone or with your dog (if you don't have a dog, you might consider getting one) or putting on some music and dancing around the room or swimming or hula hooping or playing with your kids, makes you appreciate your body and makes you feel good in general. There are many ways to have fun moving your body...biking, bowling, gardening or shopping in the mall, that keep you active, if you don't like regular gym type exercise. Just move as much as possible. Eating things that are good for you and going easy on things that are bad for you is always wise. Our bodies need certain nutrients to function properly and some processed foods are actually toxic to us. Just use common sense and moderation. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full. Care for your body like you would anything else that you love so it will last a long time.
5. Stop all "fat talk", about your body or anyone else's. Don't complain about your weight or comment on anyone else's. Don't dish the dirt with others about diets or weight loss or anything else pertaining to someone's size or shape, or your own.
6. Stop comparing yourself to others. Get rid of magazines that have airbrushed photos of models who are painfully thin. Change the channel when shows come on about celebrity weight gain or loss and mute the weight loss ads. Find a compassionate weight friendly doctor that doesn't blame every ailment on your weight. Don't believe the media messages that tell you you are not thin enough or pretty enough.They are false. They are just trying to sell you something.
7.Accepting yourself and loving yourself will not happen overnight. Surround yourself with like-minded people, read books on the subject, find kindred spirits online, become a size acceptance activist. It is all a process of deprogramming yourself of all the untrue messages you've been bombarded with for years. Little by little the old way of thinking will fade away. You will realize the truth and come to love yourself for the unique and awesome individual that you truly are.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Born Bullies
By Valerie X Armstrong
In trying to be a nice person, I have found myself
in the position of feeding several stray cats, and when I can catch one, and I
have the funds, I have it spayed or neutered. I
have a spayed female dog and two neutered male cats of my own, who stay
inside. There are eight other cats who show up to eat twice a day. So far, I've
had three females spayed. I still have to get one more female spayed and four
males neutered.
All the cats outside get along with each other
except the black male who is a big bully. I've had other black cats over the
years that were friendly and lovable, so this isn't about his
He will pick a fight with any of the other cats,
male or female, it doesn't matter. He eats along with the others and he has his
own bowl, but he always wants to push someone else out of their bowl even though
the bowls are identical to his.
He'll sneak up on a sleeping cat and atttack it
for no reason. I try to show him love, but he glares and hisses at me. All the
others were feral cats too, but now they purr and let me pet them.
I'm afraid if I touched him he'd shred me to
pieces. He walks around just looking for some cat who is minding their own
business with the sole intention of beating them up.
I don't understand this cat's problem, unless he's
a born bully. Some of the other male cats are bigger than he is and sometimes
they win the fights, but that doesn't stop him. He's always got to be starting
trouble. He doesn't have to intimidate anyone, they could all peacefully
coexist. They don't need him to be the boss.
I think some people are like that, born trouble
makers. I don't think it was how they were raised or how they were treated by
society. I just think there are some bad apples and this cat is one of them. I
felt sorry for him in the beginning, but he is so mean, I'm rapidly getting over
it...Now I feel sorry for the other cats that are having to live in fear of this
big bully. Maybe if I can trap him and neuter him, it will mellow him out
somewhat. My yard is a peaceful spot where the cats and my dog and I could
really relax and enjoy life, but this big bully is ruining it for all of us.
Bullies really are a big pain, whether they be the human or the feline
Friday, September 14, 2012
Well, There Go My Heroes
By Valerie X Armstrong
I just read a comment on an article about NAAFA protesting kids being on the "Biggest Loser" TV show. I've seen just about every hateful thing that can be said about fat people and most of it doesn't bother me anymore...But this comment made me break down and cry. I know most healthcare professionals don't like fat people and blame us for being fat, but I was really hurt to see a comment from a retired paramedic that didn't like having to carry fat people. There went the heroic idea I had of those that do that job. I always thought they were angels of mercy sent to help us in our hours of need. I looked up to them. He went on to say that we fat people didn't play outside when we were kids and that was our problem. I did! I played outside... I always ate healthy and played outside everyday till the street lights came on. I've devoted most of my life trying not to be fat...but even if I hadn't, that shouldn't matter... But the guy secretly loathes me and doesn't want to save me? I'm a very nice loving person, but I'm fat. What about the lighter weight rotten people that have no redeeming social value? He'd rather save them than me, just because they weigh less than I do? Well there go my heroes...I wonder if firemen feel the same way?...Are they thinking, "Oh, don't waste your time saving that fatty, if she cared anything about living she wouldn't be so grossly fat."....I just told my son, if anything happens to me not to call the paramedics, I don't want to put them out by having to lug me around..But then I said, "No, if you don't call them you'll probably have to call the undertaker, who will be pissed off at the size of my carcass. Then he'll have to deliver me to the crematorium where the guy who fires up the oven will probably yell 'Oh God! A fatty...Look out grease fire!'"
I just read a comment on an article about NAAFA protesting kids being on the "Biggest Loser" TV show. I've seen just about every hateful thing that can be said about fat people and most of it doesn't bother me anymore...But this comment made me break down and cry. I know most healthcare professionals don't like fat people and blame us for being fat, but I was really hurt to see a comment from a retired paramedic that didn't like having to carry fat people. There went the heroic idea I had of those that do that job. I always thought they were angels of mercy sent to help us in our hours of need. I looked up to them. He went on to say that we fat people didn't play outside when we were kids and that was our problem. I did! I played outside... I always ate healthy and played outside everyday till the street lights came on. I've devoted most of my life trying not to be fat...but even if I hadn't, that shouldn't matter... But the guy secretly loathes me and doesn't want to save me? I'm a very nice loving person, but I'm fat. What about the lighter weight rotten people that have no redeeming social value? He'd rather save them than me, just because they weigh less than I do? Well there go my heroes...I wonder if firemen feel the same way?...Are they thinking, "Oh, don't waste your time saving that fatty, if she cared anything about living she wouldn't be so grossly fat."....I just told my son, if anything happens to me not to call the paramedics, I don't want to put them out by having to lug me around..But then I said, "No, if you don't call them you'll probably have to call the undertaker, who will be pissed off at the size of my carcass. Then he'll have to deliver me to the crematorium where the guy who fires up the oven will probably yell 'Oh God! A fatty...Look out grease fire!'"
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