Thursday, November 15, 2012


By Valerie X Armstrong 

In the years to come, when it is finally realized by medical science, that genetically born to be fat people can no more permanently control their weight than a person can control their height, color or sexual orientation, I think that we should be able to demand reparations for all the indignities that we have suffered. Not only in the way of humiliation and lack of respect, but for not being afforded basic accommodations on our own planet. We have suffered financially by not being hired for jobs that we are qualified for, based on our size alone. We have been denied admission to certain colleges, because we didn’t fit the “image” they wanted to uphold. We have been denied medical insurance, which has caused the sickness and death of untold thousands, and we have been denied life insurance to provide for our families. We have not been accorded access to public places because the booths/ seats/ desks/rides, don’t fit our bodies. We have been made social outcasts by the totally untrue stereotype that has been perpetuated about us as being lazy gluttons. The medical equipment, should we be lucky enough to get medical treatment, wasn’t made for us either. Doctors, with few exceptions, are rude and bigoted toward us and blame us when their “treatments” don’t work. The day is coming when it will be brought to light that it’s not us, it’s them. They are going to owe us big time for ignoring us when we tried to tell them, and chiding us like we were bad kids who are making excuses for ourselves. As I write this it becomes increasingly clear to me that even when the truth is uncovered about us being irreversibly programmed by nature to stay fat, the information will never be made public. Maybe they (the researchers) already know! It would put a lot of people out of business if the truth were revealed. Right now we are “cash cows” for the medical field and the diet industry. I am continually amazed by fat people who continue to diet and regain the lost weight over and over year after year and still blame themselves. I did it myself! Then one day a light bulb went on in my head. I knew I was doing everything right and it wasn’t working. I would have given anything to be “average” weight…I have all the will power and tenacity in the world. I am a strong and capable person. I’ve lost hundreds of pounds and maintained the losses for up to eight years at a time. But, it always, always, comes back, regardless. It dawned on me that just because some authority figure in a white coat told me it was MY fault, it really, truly, wasn’t! I wish I had figured this out before and saved myself years of deprivation and torture. I am so sorry for all that I have put my body through, and for making my kids and grand kids mistreat their bodies by dieting as well. I’m done, finished, completely over with being told it’s my fault, being told I’m weak willed, or a liar, being deprived of privileges that thin/average people take for granted. It’s NOT my fault and I demand restitution for all the bad stuff I’ve been put through because of the ineptitude of the medicos. I want my restaurant booth, my theater seat, my school desk, my airplane seat. I want my jobs, my insurance, my dignity and the respect of my fellow Earthlings. I don’t want to be the goofy sidekick in all the movies…I want to be the heroine. I want cute clothes at a reasonable price. I want to go to the beach without fear, eat in a restaurant without rude remarks and walk down the street without ridicule. I want what’s rightfully mine that’s been stolen from me…Every genetically fat person should receive a long overdue apology and a big FAT check!

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